Monday, January 28, 2008

History was made...Part II

It is now Monday and Tiger did not disappoint anyone when he tied Arnold for 62 wins. He had a few stumbles along the way, but still conquered. I was on a roll yesterday with my post, but I decided that nobody wanted to read a novel in one day so I am breaking it up into pieces. Golf has been a huge part of my life and I have decided recently that I must pursue a career in golf. Since I am an average scratch golfer I dont have the ability or the funds to play on the professional level. I have decided instead to start a golf publication, club design, and instruction business. It is in its infancy right now, so I have resorted to taking a job that I am not excited about, but it pays the bills and will help fund this exciting venture. I have come to the conclusion that I can't stay an employee very much longer. I am just not built for it. I am wired differently than most people. I cant stand working for someone else. I have been a business owner before and I loved it. It was me and it is what I am good at. I am not sure who is reading this blog but it sure is a great way to vent and talk about things. Sharing it with you is helpful and comforting. All comments are welcomed and any help or donations are greatly needed and appreciated. I look forward to updating everyone on how my venture is coming along.

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